Dr Wodarg on Corona – the system is following the money (vaizdo įr. anglų k.)

Demokratija Koronavirusas

Wolfgang Wodarg | Full Interview 1 Inside | Planet Lockdown


This eye opening interview with Wolfgang Wodarg is one of the best in the series. He was a doctor, a public health official, member of the German parliament and later the Council of Europe. He fought against the 2009 Swine Flu situation and is an honorable and honest man we should all listen to.

Some statements from the interview:

„There is no such thing as asymptomatic transmission. …

The topic with the new gen-vaccine is very interesting, because it is no vaccine, it is a gen-therapy. …

About changing the definitions: WHO is adjusting definitions, adjusting definitions according to the needs of its sponsors. WHO has changed the definition of pandemic during the swine flu. According to the new definition of a pandemic we shall expect a pandemic now each year. This is a very good business modell for vaccine producers. …

There is also a new WHO definition of herd imunity. You can no longer reach a natural herd imunity, now you can only reach herd imunity when the herd is vaccinated. … Imunity now is something, which is shown in your vaccination passport, and not in your imun-system anymore, which is ridiculous, and which is criminal at the same time. …

Politics and public health, you cannot trust them anymore. …

There is a lot of corruption. It is not that single people are corrupted. The system is corrupted. The system is follwing the money. …

We have forgotten, that we live in a democracy. … We have to engage in politics again. … People do not need to be afraid of a virus, they need to be afraid, that they will be controlled by an authoritarian system. And I think they are few and we are many. Let´s organize and say: NO!

Let´s open again, let´s just neglect the lies. If we plan our lives on the bases of lies, we cannot be successful, we cannot live happily together.“

47 min

Mes rekomenduojame: https://www.wodarg.com/english/

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